President’s Corner

Check in here to get the latest word on our major accomplishments, upcoming events, and your opportunities to participate and contribute from our Men’s Club President Bob Goldwin.

One Year Ends, and Another Begins

Happy summer everyone! I will make this article short and sweet, because I know y’all would rather be sitting outside sipping on some lemonade, playing golf, rocking in a hammock, taking a nice walk, or maybe playing a lovely match of PickleBall.

The summer months are pretty quiet for your Beth Shalom Men’s Club. Our one big summer event was the always exciting and “sometimes” golf outing in late June. It was a fun time and I know everyone is looking forward to next year’s outing. After the outing, we returned to CBS for our amazing closing dinner and auction – another spectacular event!

While I will be starting my second year as Men’s Club President, we did sadly say goodbye to two executive board members but don’t worry, these three will still be fully involved in the Men’s Club board. I would like to say thank you to Scott Rogoff and Neil Rosengard for serving as our House VP and Membership VP. Their leadership, friendship, and guidance were greatly appreciated. While Neil and Scott are stepping off the executive board, I am pleased to welcome two new executive board members, and I am proud to announce a third has changed positions.

First, please welcome Jonathan Weisbach as our new House VP, and Mitch Padnos as our new membership VP.  Because of some exciting shuffling of positions, we also welcome Rob Roth as our new Programming VP. I am sure you are wondering why we need a new Programming VP, as I haven’t mentioned our Programming VP leaving the executive board and he isn’t. Ron Rabinowitz, our 2023-2024 Membership VP will now be shifting to the role of Executive Vice President. Please wish Ron well, as I know he will be wildly successful in this position. We are also pleased to welcome Dimitry Polyakov, Mike Fuerstein, and Dan Miller to the board! I can’t wait to get started on our 2024-2025 programming, which will include many tasty Sunday breakfasts, hot dogs and Yom Beth Shalom, an always exciting Erev Thanksgiving event, possibly some tasty food in the Sukkah, and of course, our annual Lox Box fundraiser, plus so much more!

Well, that’s all for now, so please go and enjoy a beautiful (I am hoping) summer day.

Bob Goldwin